Triatomic bugs - distribution, treatment and prevention of Chagas disease

Kiss bug

Bedbugs belong to the order of the semi-rigid winged. In the world there are about 40 thousand species. Among this diversity, there are families that pose a danger to humans. Triatom bugs are carriers of Chagas disease pathogens. When bitten, insects transmit parasitic organisms - trypanosomes. According to doctors in South America, up to 8 million people are infected with the disease, more than 12 thousand of them die every year.

Appearance of a triatom bug

The subfamily of triatomic bugs or Dominatrices is part of the largest family of predators. It includes insects of large and medium size, leading a nocturnal lifestyle. They are active predators that feed on insects. Representatives of the group of triatomic or kiss bugs belong to parasites that drink the blood of animals and humans. The insect has an elongated body up to 2 cm long. The color is black or gray, red and orange spots on the sides.

Information. A kiss bug in case of danger emits a pungent smell. He is able to create a special sound by rubbing a groove under his head.

In adults, three pairs of legs and leathery wings with which they move. The antennae are long, the eyes are simple. The head has the shape of a cone. The mouth apparatus is piercing-sucking. The thickened proboscis is sensitive to infrared radiation. The insect belongs to hematophages - parasites that feed on blood. They are active at night, attack sleeping people and animals. During the day they hide in crevices, under the cover of leaves, in nests.

Information. The parasite was nicknamed the "affectionate killer" and a kiss bug for choosing specific bite sites. He is not able to pierce dense skin, so he prefers soft tissues of the lips and eyes.

Life features

Development cycle

The female lays large eggs of the size of a match head. Of these, nymphs of the first age 2 mm in size appear. In total, five ages are replaced until the insect becomes an adult. Each molt begins 12-15 days after consumption of a large portion of blood. The life expectancy of a triatomic bug is about two years.


Representatives of Triatominae prefer hot countries, the temperature 20-28 is comfortable for them0C. Their habitat is South and Central America. Killer bugs are found in Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia. Intensive tourism and emigration have led to dangerous insects were found in Texas, Canada, and some countries in the western Pacific and Europe. In Russia, a kiss bug was not registered. You can encounter him during a visit to the states of South America. In order not to endanger health, it is better to have information about the insect.

A kiss bug usually settles in the nests of tree rats and birds. It is found in burrows of armadillos and possums. He is attracted to the proximity of human habitation. The insect comes out for an attack at night, while lowering the ambient temperature it is easier for him to navigate. It captures heat and carbon dioxide released during breathing.They also feel the ammonia released by the body and the smell of hair. The winged individuals are attracted by the light ignited in the rooms. The number of species living directly in people's homes is 5%.

About Chagas disease

Disease discovery

The Brazilian physician Carlos Chagas (Chagas) in a study of patients found that triatomic bugs are responsible for the spread of the parasite - trypanosomes. He himself described a new infection, which is a rare case in medicine.

Infection pathways

The insect's reputation as a killer has earned it for a reason. The disease that it spreads takes tens of thousands of lives each year. Many infected do not know about the development of the disease. The causative agent is the flagellate trypanosome. The simplest parasite is found in the tropics and subtropics. Infection of the bug occurs during the bite of a sick animal or person. Trypanosomes persist in the body of an insect throughout life. The ability to transmit a simple parasite occurs after 1-2 weeks.
During the bite, the insect introduces an anesthetic into the wound, so the sleeping person does not feel pain and does not wake up. The predator chooses the mucous membranes of the face for sucking blood. On the host’s body is 15-20 minutes. Trypanosome transmission occurs through feces. The bug defecates after being nourished on the skin. Through microscopic cracks in the mucous membranes or with careless rubbing into the conjunctiva of the eye, infection occurs. Among other routes of infection in the body:

  • transfusion of infected blood;
  • insect feces on food;
  • from a sick mother to a newborn baby;
  • accidental infection in laboratory tests.

Symptoms of the disease

The signs of the disease are most pronounced in children. In adults, the disease can be asymptomatic. Symptoms change during the course of the disease. The initial acute stage is characterized by:

  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • fever;
  • headache;
  • nausea and diarrhea;
  • swelling and redness of the bite.

Attention. Swelling of one eye is a characteristic sign of infection, which manifests itself in 30-50% of cases.

After 2 months, the disease becomes chronic. Symptoms disappear. The sick person can live for 10-30 years, his health gradually worsens. The simplest parasites are carried by blood to all internal organs. They cause damage to the heart, adrenal glands and liver. The body is exposed to toxins that cause dystrophic changes and inflammation.

Attention. If untreated, the disease becomes chronic. The accumulated number of parasites causes heart failure and human death.

External manifestations of the disease are:

  • dyspnea;
  • pain in the heart, esophagus, or rectum;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • pallor;
  • loss of appetite;
  • blue lips, fingertips.

All local residents are at risk, especially the disease is common among low-income citizens. More often than others, people living in rural areas and on the outskirts of cities suffer.

Diagnosis of Chagas disease

In addition to the clinical manifestations detected during examination of the patient, laboratory tests are carried out:

  • the patient’s blood is examined under a microscope;
  • serological reactions are performed;
  • examination of peripheral blood.

Timely treatment will save a life

Infection treatment

The incubation period of the disease takes 5-14 days. Then comes the acute stage. It is during this period that a person can be helped using the appropriate treatment. As therapy, drugs are used - a photograph and benzinidazole. These antiparasitic medicines have some side effects, but help 100% of patients recover. The sooner treatment begins, the higher the patient's chances to fully restore health.

At the chronic stage, the same means are used, but they do not have an effective effect on a large colony of intracellular parasites. An increase in dosage leads to side effects.Lesions of the internal organs caused by trypanosome are irreversible.

Preventative measures

The presence of a large number of animals, which are reservoirs of the causative agent of the disease, does not make it possible to eliminate it in the near future. Preventive measures aimed at reducing the number of cases include:

  • the destruction of triatomous bugs, the processing of agricultural buildings and yards with insecticides;
  • avoidance of bites - the use of a mesh canopy over the bed during sleep;
  • products must be washed or cooked;
  • treatment of damaged areas with an antiseptic;
  • blood test before transfusion or organ transplantation;
  • screening of pregnant women and newborns.

An important factor is the dissemination of information about the disease, ways of infection, treatment and preventive measures.

Tip. When visiting the countries of South America it is not recommended to go to clay and dilapidated buildings. In these places, kiss bugs often live.

Inhabitants of the tropics triatomic bugs are among the most dangerous insects on the planet. They spread a deadly disease from which there is no vaccine yet.

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Bed bugs

