Chemical aphids - an overview of the best deals on the modern market
Every spring, thousands of gardeners go to their suburban areas, do a great job and look forward to the emergence of seedlings. But joy is overshadowed by garden pests, which ruthlessly destroy entire plantations of young plants. Among the many "uninvited guests" stands aphid. This small-sized parasite sucks the juices from leaves and shoots, and thereby leads to planting death. Today on the industrial market there are many products that can help farmers in the fight against this insect. Modern remedies for aphids are very diverse and differ in their toxicity, principle of operation and effectiveness.
Aphid, as a pest, is special in that it is able not only to dry part of the seedlings and adult plants, but also cause the development of some viral infections. Thus, the culture, in the cultivation of which the gardener puts a tremendous amount of labor, is immediately exposed to two dangers. How to prevent a threat?
Today, the manufacturer offers the consumer three groups of aphid preparations:
- contact action - they kill insects by penetrating their body through chitinous integuments;
- intestinal action - when sprayed, the drug enters the digestive system, then is absorbed into the blood, paralyzes the pest and kills it;
- systemic actions - have the longest life. As a result of processing, the plants absorb the active substance and retain it for 2-4 weeks. Moreover, even in rainy weather, their effectiveness does not decrease. Aphids feed on poisoned juices and die.
Important! Among all groups of chemicals, the most dangerous for humans are representatives of the third group - systemic. They are based on a substance called imidacloprid. It is necessary to use system tools with extreme caution, having previously studied all points of the instruction!
Chemical products from aphids, no matter to which group they belong, are characterized by high efficiency and good speed of action. They are used in especially severe cases when less toxic agents are unable to cope. They are convenient to use, but require the presence of personal protective equipment on the processor.
What to choose?
Pay attention to drugs such as:
- Syngenta "Aktara" - will protect your site not only from aphids, but also from scale insects, whiteflies, thrips and false shields. Half an hour after treatment, the pest loses interest in food and dies in a day. This drug is used twice - a second time a week after the first use. Actara belongs to the third hazard class and is especially toxic to bees, which must be remembered. For birds, inhabitants of reservoirs and earthworms is slightly toxic.
- "Commander" is a chemical agent for aphids, Colorado potato beetles, thrips and whiteflies. Release form - a water-soluble concentrate with a systemic effect. Effectively works both against adults and against their larvae.It is characterized by low cost, efficiency and ease of use. It is reliable in rain and heat, does not lose its qualities after watering the plants treated by it.
- "Corado" - a drug to protect plants from aphids and the Colorado potato beetle. It has a prolonged action and works for a long time after treatment. It is characterized by a low consumption rate.
Important! Its peculiarity is that it effectively protects the young growth that appears after spraying!
Corado shows stability in any weather - "Confidor" is a systemic insecticide of intestinal-contact action, the substances of which penetrate into every cell of the plant through its root system, leaf surface and stem. Before use, 1 ml of the drug must be diluted in 5-10 liters of water. It starts to work almost instantly after spraying. Effective action is manifested during the first few hours. Reliably protects plantings within 2-4 weeks.
- "Fufan", or "Fufanon" is another enteric-contact drug that is effective against many types of pests. The working solution is prepared from 2 ml of insecticide, which is diluted in 1.5 liters of water. It belongs to the third class of danger - it is moderately dangerous for humans and animals. With the help of "Fufan" spend 2-3 treatments with an interval of one week.
- "Spark" - this insecticide can be used both for the protection of horticultural crops and for indoor plants. It exhibits intestinal contact action. Release form - tablets. To prepare the working solution, it is necessary to dissolve 1 tablet in 1 liter of water, then filter and bring the volume of the drug to 5 liters. After 3 weeks after the first treatment, it is advisable to re-spray.
Basic Terms of Use
Chemical aphids will be highly effective and will not cause harm to humans under certain conditions:
- despite the fact that after spraying most of them work under any weather conditions, the treatment itself should be carried out in dry weather early in the morning or in the evening;
- the handler must wear personal protective equipment;
- any manipulations with the drug are carried out only with gloves;
- the working solution is sprayed with a garden spray;
- Trees and shrubs are preferably treated before the buds bloom on them - this will destroy the overwintered aphids;
- the product must be applied to the back of the sheet plate, since it is there that the pest will be located;
- It is highly recommended not to spray the chemical on the fruit;
- since many chemicals are dangerous for bees, they are not used during flowering. Otherwise, pollination will not occur and you will not wait for the fruit;
- it is not recommended to use the same insecticide for several years in a row, as aphids can develop addiction and a highly effective remedy that pleased you so much last year, the next time it just won’t work.
In addition to the basic chemicals for plant protection, it is convenient and appropriate to use additional ones. Glue traps are a huge success with gardeners and gardeners today. They can be used in open areas, in greenhouses and even on the balcony.
Such tools are incredibly easy to use and at the same time are very effective. An adhesive trap, for example, Argus plates, can protect garden and flower crops, as well as garden plants, not only from aphids, but also from caterpillars of codling moths, whiteflies and midges. The composition of this drug does not contain any poisonous substances and therefore it is not capable of causing harm to humans or pets.
But not only traps can be used to protect landings. Some fertilizers are also able to work as remedies for aphids and other pests.Such preparations are called complex and belong to dual-use fertilizers - they nourish the culture, playing the role of top dressing, and at the same time protect it from insect attacks.
These products include the currently popular Etisso Combi-Sticks fertilizer. The release of this drug is very convenient - these are sticks that just need to be immersed in the soil. This product is intended for any plants that you grow in your house or on the balcony. The drug has a prolonged effect, which lasts about 6-8 weeks. At each irrigation, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and also trace elements such as manganese, iron, zinc, and copper enter the soil. The plant receives a maximum of nutrients that help it develop fully, and reliable protection against insect pests.
Aphid is a persistent pest, without visiting which no garden site can do. For this reason, chemicals from this insect created a huge amount. But do not forget that there can be a lot of brands, but at the same time all of them under different names will hide the same active substance. For this reason, it is important to remember the name of the insecticide, and not the drug itself. And try to purchase the product in advance in order to have time for a thorough study of the instructions. Have a good harvest!
Confidor is an excellent tool. In my garden only he helps