Chess cockroach - nature also plays chess

In southern India, a rare and beautiful species of a chess cockroach lives. The main color of the insects is black, on the back they carry a pattern of white spots. Their coloring is not unique, it is an excellent imitation of the appearance of the dangerous beetle Anthia sexguttata. The insect is known for its ability to scare off enemies with an extremely caustic fluid. Compliant temperament and activity made chess cockroaches a desirable object for a home terrarium.

chess cockroach


One of the cutest members of the cockroach squad is a chess cockroach (Therea petiveriana or, according to the new classification, Therea bernhardi). An insect with a pattern of white spots is often called a seven-point, desert or domino cockroach. It belongs to the Corydiidae tortoise family. They are characterized by a rounded, slightly convex body shape resembling woodlice. The size of the imago is 20-25 mm.

Females and males are difficult to distinguish. On closer examination, slight differences in size (females are slightly larger) and antenna structure (antennae of the female are shorter) can be noted. The imago and the structure of reproductive organs differ. Females have articulated cerci, and males have lead. The head is flat, heart-shaped. The mouth apparatus is gnawing, chitin teeth are located on the jaws. Eyes of the facet type, there are also two simple eyes that help you see at dusk. The antennae are long, fusiform.

The massive shield of the prothorax is densely covered with bristles. The main color of adults is black. A specific pattern on the elytra - along the outer edge of 3 transverse white spots, in the middle one longitudinal. Chitinous cover with bristles. The elytra of the insects is asymmetric, the left partially goes to the right, and it is on it that the central white spot is located. Extremities of a traveling type. The front legs have spines to help dig up leaves and soil.

Information. Males Therea bernhardi live 2-3 years, females up to 4 years.


Homeland chess cockroach are tropical forests in southern India.


Representatives of the species Therea bernhardi live in thickets of shrubs and other secluded places. In the daytime, insects hide under the roots of trees or in deciduous litter. With the onset of twilight, they are selected for food. On the ground they find fallen fruits and plant debris. Cockroaches have well-developed wings, they fly in search of new territories. Adults can be active during the day, larvae appear only after dark.

Interesting fact. Imagoes communicate with each other using pheromones. When you lift the wings from the side glands, chemicals are released. Their composition depends on the transmitted signals. There are pheromones for bait partners, odors that mean danger.


After mating, fertilized females behave aggressively towards other applicants. They drive the males by hitting the hind limbs. Females lay their eggs in a special protein capsule - the ooteca. Within 3-40 days, the female buries in a moist substrate or fallen leaves 7-14 capsules with eggs. They are brown in color, 11-12 mm long.

The incubation period lasts 3-4 months.For the normal development of eggs, an elevated temperature of 28-29 ° is required. From one ootek, 12–16 brown larvae appear. This is about half the eggs laid. More males are born than smok. They have a soft body without chitinous cover. Nymphs quickly darken, in the first year of life they are dark gray. As it grows, molting occurs, the cover breaks and peels off.

Larvae have a secretive lifestyle. All the time they spend in the depths of the litter. In the dry and hot season, young growth digs passages in the soil to a depth of 30 cm. For nymphs, stagnation of moisture in the substrate is fatal. The body of the insects is covered with bristles to which particles of soil adhere. This is an additional disguise. Larvae feed on various plant residues. The rate of development of chess cockroaches is influenced by climatic conditions. At temperatures up to 25 °, the conversion time to imago increases by 3 months.

Home Content

The home for an exotic pet is a plastic or glass terrarium. Design parameters depend on the number of residents. For 4-6 adults, a container of 15x15x15 cm is recommended. The terrarium must be covered with a net or a lid with holes. Adults, especially active males, often crawl along vertical walls. A layer of substrate is poured at least 5 cm.

A mixture of peat, sawdust of deciduous trees and coconut fiber is suitable as a litter. I put pieces of bark on top, small driftwood, dry leaves. Chess cockroaches love shelters. In addition, elevations are required for molting in a pre-imago state. The terrarium is placed away from sunlight. Recommended temperature 25-28 °, humidity 70%. Periodically, it is required to spray the substrate with warm water.

Interesting fact. An example of the interaction of colony members is the construction of a chain of cockroaches that mimics a snake. Under natural conditions, this way they scare away predators.


Dry and wet foods must be present in the diet of insects. They are given carrots, pumpkins, juicy fruits (pear, apple, berries). A great option is greens, dandelion leaves. Of the dry foods recommended: oatmeal, crackers, white bread, feed for fish, dogs and cats. To provide pets with a sufficient amount of protein give boiled meat, cottage cheese.

Information. If the terrarium always has fresh juicy fruits, it is not necessary to install a drinker.

After feeding, the remnants of food are removed. The remaining pieces rot and are a hotbed of ticks and other pests.

Keeping a cockroach chess is easy. Adults spend many times on the surface, actively contacting each other. It is interesting to watch them.

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