Cherry elephant: description of the species of weevils, pests of fruit crops. Effective insect control methods.
The Nutcracker is Dark: Description of insects from the family Nutcracker. Malicious activity of insects and methods of combating nutcrackers.
Striped weevil nodule: description and features of the development of insects. Distribution area of beetles. Pest control methods.
Six-toed bark beetle: description and lifestyle of the conifer pest. Habitat and breeding features.
Goose fruit: description and life cycle of the pest of fruit crops. Effective methods to combat bugs and their larvae.
Siberian filly is a malicious pest of agricultural crops in the forest-steppe zone of the Siberian region. Biology features and locust control methods.
If a scale shield is wound up on a dracaena, then the flower grower must take the necessary measures. First you need to remove the pest, and then spray the plant with insecticidal drugs or folk remedies.
How to deal with a scale shield on honeysuckle? This question is of interest to many gardeners, since when this pest appears, not only bushes with juicy blue berries, but also other plants on the site are threatened.
Methods of combating scale insects on the sink are based on the use of chemical and folk remedies that deter and destroy the pest. This will help save the sweet crop and prevent serious damage to the fruit tree.
Scale on the ficus leads to the fact that the plant becomes weakened, and its leaves turn yellow and die. To avoid his death and restore a beautiful appearance, you must immediately begin the fight after detecting a pest.
The fight against the moth includes the use of traps, folk and chemical agents. This will help to get a healthy harvest from trees growing in the garden.
Since it is quite difficult to fight the scabies on currants, it is better to ensure proper prevention of plants in time. But if the pest nevertheless settled on berry bushes, then you can not do without a reliable drug.
Bed bugs