Coastal earwig: a description of insects, lifestyle and breeding features. Myths and reality: is it worth it to be afraid of an earwig.
Humpback humpback: exotic appearance of an insect from the order of half-winged. Lifestyle, nutrition and reproduction. Humpback habitat.
Orussus parasitic: description and lifestyle of an entomophage parasitizing on the larvae of wood pests. Area of distribution, limiting factors and protective measures.
Empusa striped: lifestyle of a large mantis. Features of hunting and reproduction of insects. Protective status and threats.
Mayfly ordinary: description and features of the development of insects. The habitat of the mayfly. Use of larvae when fishing.
Bumblebee moss - appearance, lifestyle and development of hymenopteran insect. Distribution area and conservation status.
Ascalaf is motley: biological characteristics of the insect, distribution area and lifestyle. Interesting facts about the life of the mace.
Ground beetle shagreen: lifestyle, especially nutrition and reproduction. The habitat of beetles. The protective status of insects.
Crackling fire: differences in the appearance of males and females. Lifestyle and breeding of locust representatives. The protective status of the insect.
Grasshopper greenhouse: structural features of a wingless insect. Lifestyle and habitat. The relationship with the person.
Zelenchuk is unpaired: sexual dimorphism of representatives of the locust family. Features of development, habitat and reproduction of insects.
Pallas Tolstun: a description of the grasshopper's appearance and lifestyle. The distribution area of insects. Factors Contributing to a Reduction in the Thicket Population. Security measures.
Bed bugs