Ways to deal with black fleas in the apartment

The black fleas in the house that bite people and animals painfully are parasites, and they do not belong under one roof with a person. Moreover, no one is safe from their appearance in the home: these insects spread very quickly around the premises in search of a source of nutrition. A radical cleaning of the premises, the use of folk remedies and insecticides will help to stop them.

Description of black fleas

Fleas are the collective name of many species that are arthropods. The house is usually inhabited by a human black flea. With a small size (only up to 3 cm), it has an enviable jumping ability, overcoming a distance of up to 50 cm in one jump and reaching a height of 30 cm.

Fleas are extremely hardy, and can easily withstand sharp cooling and warming. But the optimal temperature for fleas is a mark in the range from 18 to 26 degrees. Black fleas are much more sensitive to air humidity: if it drops below 70%, then larvae will not appear from the eggs.

The harm of black fleas

Despite its modest size, black fleas in the house are very annoying to all family members and animals with painful bites. This is a blood-sucking parasite, at the time of skin damage, injecting a special substance that can cause a strong allergic reaction. It is because of this that the bite site turns red and starts to itch very much.

If the skin is very itchy after a flea bite, then antihistamines should be used to alleviate the condition.

Also, fleas, in contact with the blood of different people, can transmit infections and infect humans. For example, plague and anthrax. Any parasites in the house are a violation of cleanliness and hygiene. The vital products of fleas and dirt carried on the paws create a beneficial environment for the propagation of harmful bacteria.

How did a black flea get into the house?

Due to their jumping ability, fleas easily overcome long distances in search of a new residence and, most importantly, a new victim. Even the cleanest house is not safe from their appearance.

The methods of penetration into a person’s home can be as follows:

  1. On the body of mammalian animals, primarily domestic animals - cats and dogs. But fleas can also travel in the fur of mice and rats.
  2. From the basements of houses where parasites often live due to high humidity. Therefore, residents of the first floor should be alert.
  3. From the public corridors.
  4. Together with the things brought into the house. When buying furniture and other items (mattresses, carpets, etc.), especially used ones, it is necessary to process the purchase from pests.

If fleas appeared in the house, then you must immediately begin their destruction. Otherwise, they will not let live peacefully and will regularly increase the number of populations.

Ways to fight

There are a lot of ways to deal with a black flea in a house. This is the use of toxic substances that literally instantly poison an insect, and folk tricks, and keeping the entire house clean.

But you should start with pet processing.In their wool lies not only adults drinking blood, but also flea eggs. There are many ways to remove fleas in animals: shampoos, collars, drops, etc.

As long as the cat or dog carries the fleas, the rest of the actions will be meaningless.


Excellent results are shown by the use of chemicals that have an insecticidal effect. They are produced in the form of sprays, liquids, powders. The first form is most convenient to use in the house: you do not need to spend a lot of effort and time on processing even rooms with a large area. In addition, spraying can be called an economical and safer way to use insecticides for health. Of course, when using the protective equipment and precautions listed in the instructions.

Against black fleas are effective:

  1. Familiar and universal dichlorvos
  2. "Raptor" is another well-known product sold in the form of a spray. It can be bought at almost every hardware store. A single treatment will not be enough: after a week, the procedure must be repeated to destroy new fleas that have appeared from eggs during this time.
  3. Get spray ("Get") from Germany. It has many advantages: for example, it destroys the entire population in an apartment in one treatment, if it was carried out carefully. Also, it does not leave dark marks on furniture and carpets if it falls on them. It has a sharp unpleasant odor, which disappears after airing in an hour.
  4. Chlorpimirac is mainly used by special services to combat domestic insects, because the drug contains strong poison. It can only be sprayed with a protective suit and gloves. Leaves streaks if wipes are not wiped on time.
  5. Sinuzan is a tool that is sold primarily through the Internet, so it is difficult to get it at a hardware store. It is a toxic emulsion that acts on insects via the intestinal tract.

These drugs treat all surfaces in the house: floor, walls and ceiling, not forgetting about cracks, nooks and baseboards. Doors, window frames and furniture should also be treated. After applying the insecticide, it is necessary to block the access of fresh air to the room for several hours, so that the active substance has time to act on all fleas. Then you can ventilate the room, and the next day - to carry out a general cleaning.

Folk Tricks

Some are afraid to use chemicals in homes, fearing that toxic substances will poison the body. They can take advantage of folk ways to solve the problem:

  1. Freezing the room. Actually in the cold season, when the thermometer drops below 0. The house opens windows and leaves the house for at least a day with pets.
  2. For processing animals, you can use a decoction of tansy, wormwood or eucalyptus.
  3. It will help to remove fleas in animals "bath" in a basin with water, in which reconnaissance pack of table salt. The pet should be in the solution for 5 minutes, after which its coat must be thoroughly washed with running water.
  4. Hang dry wormwood or calamus in the corners of the house, as well as put these plants in cupboards, is another popular way to get rid of black fleas.
  5. To clean carpets, you can scatter a mixture of salt and soda in equal parts on them overnight.

Of course, folk remedies can not be compared with chemicals in the effectiveness and speed of achieving a result. But they, too, have been used in practice for many years, and therefore have a right to exist.

House order

Cleanliness in the house is the basis of protection against any parasites, including fleas. Therefore, the house needs regular cleaning, washing dust in the most inaccessible corners, including behind furniture. Disinfectants should be added to the water, for example, Domestos.

All carpets should be knocked out on the street and also treated with cleaning compounds. Clothes and text are washed off in hot water. Mattresses and pillows, like carpets, are knocked out on the street.It is highly advisable to leave things in the sun or in the cold for several hours.

If you do not want to do this yourself, you can use the services of cleaning services.

Also in the house may appear black fleas on flowers, which are also called earthy. They are destroyed using universal insecticides: for example, Aktara.

Black fleas in the house are unpleasant parasites, the appearance of which is easier to prevent. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the protection of pets and cleanliness of the premises.

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