Ladybugs and aphids - spotted pest exterminators in greenhouses and gardens

Thanks to the bright color, ladybugs are clearly visible on plants. These winged bugs cause sympathy in children and adults for their appearance. They are often picked up to watch a business run. At one point, the bug spreads its wings and flies away. Where is he going? The insect has a lot of work, this cute creature is a ruthless predator that exterminates pests in gardens and kitchen gardens. The beetle feeds on phytophage insects. Ladybug and aphids are natural enemies. From spring to late autumn, spotted predators destroy aphid colonies.

Ladybug and aphid

Ladybug: Description of the Beetle

Ladybugs belong to the order of beetles or beetles. The Latin name for insects is Coccinellidae (coccinellids). The number of their species - more than 4 thousand, distribution - around the world. The body has an oval convex shape similar to half a ball. It consists of three main departments: head, chest and abdomen. On the front of the head are the jointed antennae, which are the organ of smell. In them from 8 to 11 segments, can end with a mace. Large eyes are located on the sides of a fixed head.

In adults, the front wings are modified into rigid elytra, and the hind wings are used for flights. The insect has 3 pairs of legs, consisting of four segments. One of them is small, therefore invisible. The limbs are covered with hairs. The abdomen consists of 6 segments.

Information. During the flight, the beetle makes about 85 flapping wings in one second.

The usual coloring of a ladybug is red with black dots. Their number depends on the type of insect, there may be from 2 to 28 spots. In Russia and Europe, the most common seven-point ladybug. The beetle has 3 spots on each elytra and one common thing. Body length 7-8 mm. Bright coloring is a warning signal for enemies who try to eat an insect. When attacked, it releases a caustic substance of yellow color. This liquid can leave a burn on the mucous membrane of a reptile or bird. The color of insects of various species can radically differ, there are black cows with red dots.

Beetles choose their place of residence depending on the nutritional preferences of the species. Some settle on trees in bright forests, the second - in the meadow grass, and the third near ponds. They are thermophilic insects, preferring moderate latitudes.

Information. Useful insects have long been protected and revered by humans. From here their names are associated with the deities: in Germany it is a bug of the Virgin Mary, and in England it is a bird of Our Lady.

Spotted bug diet

Most ladybugs are predators, preferring slow, soft-bodied insects. But among thousands of species there are herbivorous families. Most live in the tropics and subtropics, in Russia only three species feed on plants:

  1. Knotted bug - a small bug up to 5 mm in size is painted in red-brown color. Prefers cereal plants, as well as alfalfa and clover. It lives in the middle lane.
  2. A 28-point potato bug in the Far East harms potato and cucumber crops.
  3. In southern Russia, alfalfa feeds on sugar beets and alfalfa.

The basis of the diet of a predatory bug is aphids. A special group of insects, aphidophages or aphid exterminators, has been isolated. They settle not far from the colony on which they feed. The relationship between the ladybug and the aphids is a predator and prey. A beneficial insect provides invaluable assistance to gardeners, limiting the pest population. Phytophages live in huge colonies, sucking the plant's juice. Under their influence, cultures lag behind in growth, their leaves and shoots are deformed. Pests live on the back of the leaves, hidden from the eyes of man. They weaken the plant, making it defenseless against viral and fungal infections.

Interesting. In European countries, ladybugs are bred on special farms and sold. They are used as an environmentally friendly pest control agent. 4-5 insects can save a rose bush from aphids. The seven-spotted ladybug was introduced to America to combat phytophages.

Aphids can appear on any garden or indoor plants. Phytophages love fruit trees, bushes of flowers, legumes. To combat them, chemical preparations are used that bring not only benefits, but also harm. Spotted predators settled on the site will not allow pests to breed. One adult eats 50-80 aphids every day. Her larvae are no less voracious. Useful insects begin their hunt in the spring, they constantly destroy pests and their eggs, not giving a chance to breed in large numbers.

To combat pest in the greenhouse, special technologies have been developed using the larvae and adults of a tropical ladybug. Beetles are planted in the foci of infection, which they successfully eliminate. Attracting insects is especially effective in getting rid of aphids of indoor plants. The use of insecticides in residential premises is undesirable, so predatory beetles become the best option.
What do ladybugs eat apart from aphids? The diet of beetles is diverse. They prey on various arthropods parasitizing on plants. Insects without shell become prey:

  • whiteflies;
  • spider mite;
  • worms;
  • small caterpillars;
  • scale insects.

Attention. Ants feed on the sweet pad, secreted by aphids, therefore, when attacked by ladybugs, they defend their “herd”. To destroy the symbiotic relationship is to destroy the anthill in its area.

Coccinellid Life Cycle

Coccinellidae is one of the largest families of beetles. They lead a separate lifestyle, but gather for the winter in large groups. Insects migrate in favorable conditions, often find refuge in the mountains among the stones. Before the onset of cold weather, a colony of several million individuals can gather. Not all beetles migrate; many winter near the fields where they lived in the summer. They hide under the fallen leaves, branches, grass.

In spring, insects wake up and fly to gardens and fields to look for food. Ladybug eats aphids and builds up strength for reproduction. Fertilized females lay their eggs and then die. Usually, with sufficient nutrition, coccinellids live 1 year, in some cases the life cycle stretches to two years. In their development, they go through 4 stages:

  • egg;
  • larva;
  • pupa;
  • imago.


Sexual dimorphism of beetles is weakly expressed; it is outwardly difficult to distinguish between a male and a female. To attract partners, cows use pheromones. The female takes care of the nutrition of the offspring in advance, she lays eggs in the vicinity of the developing aphid colony. During the season, the female lays from 200 to 600 eggs. Usually they are oval, yellow or orange. They are arranged in even rows, the masonry is 15-25 pieces. Hatching larvae have a length of 1-2 mm, the crumbs are not able to hunt, so they eat the eggs of pests. The offspring is growing rapidly, after a month their body reaches 8-10 mm.

Ladybug Larvae - Small Predators

Larvae pass four ages; they live openly on plants.The body is dark green or black; it is covered with a yellow or red pattern. Outgrowths and warts are noticeable on the back. The ladybug and aphid larva are irreconcilable enemies. The offspring of predatory beetles destroys several thousand pests, their larvae and eggs before the adult stage. At four weeks of age pupation occurs. After 10-12 days, a small beetle appears. It takes him some time to harden the elytra. Young individuals are distinguished by a bright red color, which tarnishes somewhat with age.

Attention. Larvae need a large amount of food for active growth, so they eat more often than adult insects. This quality was noticed by farmers, they use the offspring of cows to destroy pests of greenhouses.

Ladybugs have enemies in nature. These are hymenoptera (riders) and bugs. They parasitize on insects in the larval and pupal stages.

Predatory beetles and their larvae provide significant assistance to agriculture. So that pests do not annoy the garden and the garden, it is worthwhile to arrange houses for the cows. For this, a log with a drilled middle is suitable. In this shelter, insects can winter.

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