Acaricidal preparations against ticks - effective protection of people and plants from parasites
To combat ticks, special chemicals called acaricides have been developed. The danger in the form of small parasites and carriers of the disease lies in wait for a person in nature and in his own home. Even harmless-looking herbivorous mites cause great harm when they appear in the garden. Methods of combating arachnid parasites are of interest to many people. Mite acaricides are chemicals that guarantee the rapid death of parasites. The use of acaricides will protect them from walking in nature and living in the house.
Species of ticks
Scientists have found and studied 50,000 species of ticks, most of them are not dangerous to humans. Small parasites do not belong to insects - they are arachnids. Among the species that cause the greatest harm to people, it is worth highlighting several that have received special distribution:
- Ixodid tick - representatives of this family are carriers of a dangerous disease - encephalitis. By external signs, it is impossible to determine the infected individual. The parasite lives in the forest, has a solid chitinous shell. Adults cling tightly to clothing, then crawl in search of an open area of the body.
Ixodid ticks
Attention. In addition to encephalitis, forest ticks also carry other diseases: typhus, Lyme syndrome, tick-borne paralysis.
- Argas soft tick lives in caves, wall cracks, burrows and other secluded places. The arachnid sucks blood, causing dermatitis, and spreads infections.
- Gamazovy look - lives on birds and mammals (rats, mice). It is dangerous for humans if there is no other food source nearby. It has toxic saliva.
- Bed tick - settles in a cluster of feathers or dust, feeds on dead epidermis. The parasite does not live on humans, the main danger is its excrement. Individual waste includes a potent allergen.
- Spider mite - this species parasitizes on plants, braiding them with a dense web and drinking juice. For humans, the pest is not dangerous, but a large population of individuals can cause plant death. Acaricidal anti-tick treatment helps maintain crop yields.
What are acaricides
Acaricides are a wide range of products designed for extermination of the tick population. With their help, parasites are destroyed in forest zones, on agricultural sites, the body of animals and in houses. The name of the product is translated as - "reducing (cide) the number of ticks (acari)." The constituent substances are of chemical and biological origin. Once in the body of pests, they cause paralysis, failure of the organs of nutrition, sterilize females, interrupting the reproduction cycle.
According to the mechanism of action on ticks, they are divided into the following types:
- contact - the death of an individual provokes contact with any part of the body;
- fumigants - act as poisonous vapors that penetrate the respiratory system;
- systemic - enter the plant, causing death of the pests eating it;
- intestinal - enter the body with food, poison the digestive system.
Classification of acaricides
All drugs can be divided into 3 large groups:
Insect acaricides
Universal remedies used at home and in agriculture from various pests. These include:
- Organophosphate insecticides - acaricides from ticks, harmful to adults and larvae, but not dangerous to eggs. Substances accumulate in the tissues of the nervous system of the parasite and block the vital activity of all organs. Among the preparations based on FOS are Karbofos, Sumiton, Actellik. Actellic, a systemic insecticide from this group, received many positive reviews from gardeners. The drug has a contact, intestinal and fumigant effect, destroying pests on both sides of the leaves. The product is sold in the form of an emulsion with a volume of 2 and 5 ml, 1 or 5 liters.
- Avermectins - are synthesized from soil fungi, have a neurotoxic effect, leading to paralysis and death. Such substances include Akarin, Fetiverm, Vertimek.
- Amidines are derivatives of carboxylic acids that form stable compounds. They have a contact effect and repel parasites. The compounds are used for the manufacture of acaricidal preparations for animals (collars, drops at the withers).
- Pyrethroids - synthetic compounds of high intensity are artificial analogues of the natural compound from Dalmatian chamomile. Substances are characterized by selective toxicity; they are used for processing crops and animals from ectoparasites. Pyrethroids have an effect on the nervous system of insects, leading to their paralysis and destruction. Among the drugs: Danitol - a means of contact-intestinal action, Mauritius - acaricide from sucking pests, Talstar insecticide.
Specific acaricides
Narrow drugs that act exclusively on arachnids. Means are significantly different from each other in composition, many have the ability to destroy tick eggs. Among the drugs:
- Sulfur compounds (derivatives of sulfonic acids) - contact acricides against ticks with high efficiency at each stage of development. Drugs that affect the fertility of females - Omayt, Nissoran.
- Tetrazines are active compounds against all stages of the development of the parasite Apollo, Flumait.
- Benzylates - preparations containing bromine, completely destroy pests, have a long protective effect. The most famous remedy is Neoron. The substance has a rapid acaricidal effect on active stages and eggs. Parasites do not develop resistance to the active substances of the drug.
Substances that destroy ticks and pathogenic fungi. A common option is sulfur in the form of granules and powder. The lack of drugs is toxicity to many insects.
Attention. Prolonged use of one type of acaricidal means leads to the development of resistance to its effects. It is recommended to change drugs several times per season.
Features of the use of acaricides
To treat the area from ticks, it is necessary to take into account the sensitivity of individuals. Small parasite larvae are most susceptible to the action of toxins; therefore, it is better to plan the destruction for the period of the beginning of tick development. The processing time depends on the agent used, some are capable of destroying only adults, others also affect larvae and eggs.
When working with toxic drugs, you must follow the rules:
- Spraying is carried out using a spray gun.
- Treat the site in the absence of wind and precipitation.
- Do not mix two acaricidal agents, this does not give an increase in effectiveness.
- Prepare the solution from the concentrate according to the instructions, dispose of the residues.
- Wear rubber gloves and a respirator before work.
- When processing the premises, do not allow the substance to get into food, remove people and animals from the premises.
- Airing and wet cleaning should be carried out 2 hours after surface treatment.
Means against ixodic parasites
The most convenient form of acaricidal drugs for ticks are sprays and aerosols. They process clothes and camping equipment before hiking in the forest. For animals that are also a target for carnivorous arthropods, drops and collars with a repelling agent are recommended.
Gardeks aerosol acaricide is applied to clothes, backpacks, tents and other fabric surfaces. The use of pyrethroids of the 2nd generation makes effective against parasites and safe for humans. In contact with the acaricidal compound, the tick loses its ability to cling, stick, after 10-15 minutes, complete paralysis occurs. The effect of the drug is stored on the tissue for up to 15 days.
Taiga Anticlesch
Anti-Spray ixodid tickscarrying a deadly disease. The substance is applied to clothing, curtains, mosquito nets. Processing is recommended on the street or in a well-ventilated area. One application is enough for 2 weeks or before washing. For spraying clothes enough 25 ml of the drug. Do not handle in humans, the composition (neonol, alfacipermethrin) refers to toxic substances.
Attention. Repellent drugs do not kill ticks, they only scare them away. Such funds can be applied not only to clothing, but also to human skin. Their action is quite effective, but in the peak season the drugs will not prevent the bite of a hungry parasite.
Dust mite - how to deal with it
Microscopic arthropods living in upholstered furniture, toys, curtains, bedding have a size of only 0.1-0.5 mm. They belong to synanthropic parasites living near people. Dust mites love heat (20-250) and high humidity. Arachnids feed on dead skin pieces. Allergic reaction of varying degrees of intensity cause excrement of the parasite. They cause:
- dermatitis;
- conjunctivitis;
- bronchial asthma;
- allergic rhinitis.
Attention. To get rid of dust mites, a systematic approach is needed: wet cleaning, minimizing wool carpets, soft toys, feather-based bedding, and the use of acaricides during washing.
Among the large number of substances that can destroy the parasite, benzyl benzoate is most common. The most popular acaricidal drugs for ticks in house dust are:
Allergoff is a spray that helps to destroy ticks at any stage of their development. Active ingredients: permethrin, pyriproxyphene, benzibenzoate. The composition has a long lasting effect, safe for humans and pets. The product has a neutral smell, does not stain fabric and other surfaces. The spray has active components that penetrate the digestive system, and lead to the death of parasites. The components of the drug glue tick excretions, not allowing them to fly into the air.
Features of use
Before processing with Allergoff, it is recommended to remove bedding and mattress covers. Products are washed with the addition of a special acaricidal agent from the same series. The tool is not toxic, it has no contraindications. One package of 400 ml is enough for processing 20 m2. Validity up to 6 months.
Acaril is a washing additive that works in hot and cold water. The composition neutralizes allergens and kills parasites. The tool in the form of a powder is used for processing carpets. Acrylic in aerosol is used to disinfect textiles.
The search for safe means of acaricidal action has led to the creation of a modern drug that is safe for people. Milbiol is an acaricide of plant origin, it is obtained from Indian melia seed oil. Its effect extends to 20 types of pests, inhibits the growth of fungi and bacteria. The preparation in the form of a spray is recommended for the treatment of bedding that is not washable. The active substance violates the nutritional ability of arachnids, stops their growth and reproduction.
Attention. The use of Milbiola according to the instructions is safe for people and warm-blooded animals.
Akarosan-spray - quick and effective destruction of ticks in dust, on upholstered furniture and other surfaces. The active substance is benzyl benzoate. The drug is not dangerous for humans, it eliminates allergens for a long time.
Acaricides against ticks effectively destroy agricultural pests and carnivorous parasites that spread the disease. Subject to the rules of use, all drugs are safe for people, animals, fish.